Βάλε τον κωδικό ➡️ KOUPEPE2021 και κέρδισε -20% έκπτωση!

a)    use / operation

The company takes all necessary means for the constant and uninterrupted operation of Koupepe.com, however, it reserves the exclusive right, that the consumer accepts, to interrupt temporarily or permanently the operation of Koupepe.com with or without notice to users / members and visitors of Koupepe.com. In any case the user / consumer / visitor / member undertakes and accepts that he/she will not use the Koupepe.com to send, publish, send by e-mail or otherwise transmit any content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, that violates the privacy of another, shows empathy, or is racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm minors in any way, not be transmitted in accordance with the law or contractual relations or management (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered confidentiality agreements) infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of others, contains software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destruction or equipment the operation of any computer software or hardware, intentionally or unintentionally contravenes existing Greek and EU legislation and provisions that may impede third in any way and any content used to collect or store personal data about other users. Moreover, our company may at any time delete / disable / remove a client account / user if it distinguishes malicious and malicious use of this website.   

b) koupepe.com content

The company takes every possible care for the proper publication – display of the information related to the products promoted through the Koupepe.com. Our company, however, is not responsible for any errors in the context of the electronic department store operation in the recorded and displayed information (for instance the recorded price, availability, photography, type, etc.) which may be due to technological failures-errors, typographical and / or “human” errors and / or incorrect information even from negligence. If you detect any error before and / or after completion of your order, we invite you to send e-mail to the email address info@koupepe.com / or contact us at tel. +30 2610 322100. In any case, however, if you detect an error, we invite you not to proceed in the order request before informing our company and before clarifying this issue. Our company applies free pricing policy based on commercial strategy, always in the context of the proposed legislation, in particular the provisions on the protection of competition (fair and unfair). Therefore it is possible to see differences in the prices of products sold in Koupepe.com from other similar products sold in other outlets, especially since our company makes from time to time product offers or other promotions whenever it deems necessary. 

c) copyright

The contents of Koupepe.com (except those items owned by third parties, eg. copyright of third parties, collaborators, institutions, etc.),ie. without limitation text, photographs, designs, trade and financial information, programs, all kinds of files, signs/logos, the format (layout) of Koupepe.com etc. are subject to intellectual property of the company and are protected by the respective provisions of Greek Law, European Law and enforced international agreements on intellectual property. Under no circumstances should their appearance and their visibility in Koupepe.com, be construed as transfer and/or assignment of license and/or right to use them. On this basis, therefore, it is strictly prohibited the total or partial copying, distribution, transportation, processing, storage , reproduction, republication, modification, and each of the action on the above data, without any prior written consent of the company. Otherwise, these actions may constitute infringement of intellectual / industrial property of the company, which reserves the right to claim any loss injury caused to it, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

The user / consumer / visitor / member of Koupepe.com accepts and acknowledges that the company has the right of commercial value (either by itself or by third parties) of all items displayed in Koupepe.com and amend these details at any time it wishes with or without prior notice to the users/consumers/visitors/members of Koupepe.com.


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