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a) Proper registration of personal data

Because your personal data and contact information you provide in Koupepe.com are extremely important for completing the online transaction with our company, as they are the only way of communication among our company and you, and for the performance of its obligations to you and the proper completion of the orders, you should be sure that the information you have provided us is absolutely correct and updated (in case of any changes you are obliged to inform us). Our company takes every care to receive from you your correct data, and for this reason you are asked at the end of filling your information to recheck this information and then send them to us along with your explicit consent using the data you have provided us. Therefore our company is not responsible if any of its contractual or legal obligations will not fulfilled properly and/or timely due to sending us your incorrect or outdated personal data. In particular, any notification that will be made to the email address you have provided us (eg. for lack of stock, etc) will be considered as valid even if it is not delivered to you because of an error in data indicated by you and/or due to technical or other failure on your server, and/or phone and/or your telecommunications provider, and / or a change of your data (unless you inform us in time about them). The same applies to the contact address and shipping of products as well as for non mobile telephone numbers. In any case you are obliged to re- update your information whenever there is a change in these.  

b) Registered users

In order to serve you in the best possible way and facilitate your future purchases, you will need to register as Koupepe.com users (log in) when you enter your order request to our company. The information you fill in the special form in Koupepe.com remain in our business system. Therefore, in your first order request / your visit, you are asked to create an account with us and create a user profile (name, sex and date of birth), using your own unique security codes (username & password). In this way you create your own unique page (page registered user) which records a history of your purchases, and you can check at what stage is your new order request, at what stage is the delivery status of the product you have ordered etc. By completing and sending the relevant form with your personal information, you provide us and your written consent for the use of the data (either on the registration form or in the order form) contained therein for the purposes described in these terms under this policy on personal data. When you sign up as registered users, the company may and you as the registered users agree to install a session system cookies solely for your recognition and your transactions to create your history as a client displayed on your personal page which is visible only to you. The above session cookies are solely intended to serve you manage your profile and your account in the best possible way that you do not have to declare from the start your details each time you visit Koupepe.com. These session cookies are deleted as soon as you unsubscribe (log out) as a registered user.

c) Privacy Policy

The issue of protection of your personal data is of great importance for our company and is treated in the highest priority.

Your personal data are exclusively collected by us to fulfill your transactions with Koupepe.com and to communicate with you to complete your order, the pricing of the requested products, to facilitate your delivery, the integration of your order, to serve your requests and to send informational messages regarding our products and services. All your personal data collected through the special electronic form of Koupepe.com are strictly necessary for the performance of those services from our part and under the condition of full and unreserved consent / your consent which is automatically provided by sending your personal data to us. You have the right to access your data and request the immediate erasure of them, and/or delete your data as registered users. Also you are entitled to exercise at any time all of your rights under Articles 11 to 13 of l. 2472/1997. In any case, your data are held by us only for the period you are a registered user of Koupepe.com / or for as long as you are running your transactions with us and they are deleted as soon as you unsubscribe from user and / or complete the transaction. Also during your visit to Koupepe.com may be installed in the / your PC session cookies to enable the recording of items that you add in your shopping list, even before you sign up as a registered user, in order to send your order request.

Your personal data are not notified to any third party and are managed exclusively by our company. The only exceptions are: i) those data relating to the completion and clearing of electronic payments by credit card which are carried out by our trusted partners – financial institutions and are applying all appropriate security procedures to safeguard your information and ii) the data strictly necessary for the completion of your order (transportation, storage, etc.) from our cooperating companies. However, the total of your data is protected and processed in accordance with the terms and rules of Greek law, namely the 2472/1997 and n.2774 / 1999 and in accordance with European law (Directives 95/46 / EC and 97/66 / EC). Under this legislation, the data held by our company may be disclosed to third parties, to the competent authorities, prosecutors or other administrative services only in accordance with the rules and provisions lay down in the relevant regulatory framework. Also, the data set and transactions, are governed by the principles of communications confidentiality (electronic and otherwise) and trade, and apply every appropriate mean to protect and safeguard the confidentiality of those in the transmission and / or and completion of transactions. The user / consumer / visitor / member Koupepe.com should preserve himself the confidentiality of data and not to make disclosures to third parties (even by negligence) or grant the use of the data in third parties. It is also recommended to change the user code (password) at regular intervals. The company reserves the right for any damage from culpable violation of the above obligations of the user / consumer / visitor / member Koupepe.com

Finally, in order to complete the order request process, you accept, the sending of automated or personalized emails directly to the / your PC and your personal email address and any telephone communication in numbers that are known to us by an employee-s of our company.


Our company recognizes the data security and trade as a major issue and therefore applies all necessary means to safeguard them. The site protects members against fraud data with the data encryption method. Customer information is not disclosed to third parties, and while browsing the website they remain encrypted and therefore not visible to unauthorized third parties. The codes used for our recognition are a) Password (e-mail or username) and b) Personal Secret Security Code (password), and every time you register they provide absolute security to your personal information. You can change the above codes at any time and as often as you wish. The only one, who has access to your information, is you through the above code and you are solely responsible for maintaining the secrecy and the concealment by third parties. In case of loss or leakage you should immediately alert us otherwise, our company is not responsible for the use of password by an unauthorized person. We recommend for security reasons, to change the above passwords regularly and avoid using the same codes and easily detectable codes, using where possible not only letters and numbers and symbols too, to create your new passwords.


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